Nature of the work; unless explicitly otherwise agreed in writing we work as forwarding agent; if we conclude a charterlng or transport agreement, then – unless explicitly agreed upon otherwlse in writing -the party, that will conduct the transport, and not ourselves, will be the contracting party as transporter, also if our name is mentioned in the consignment note of any other freight document;
Offers; all offers are without engagement, unless expressly otherwise agreed in writ,ng;
Appllcable conditions; according to the nature of the work, as agreed upon with us, the latest verslons of (for forwarding activities) the Dutch forwarding condltions (Fenex-condit1ons). (for storage and warehousing) the Rotterdam storage conditions resp. the warehousing conditions Amsterdam/Rotterdam, (for stevedoring activities) the Rotterdam stevedonng conditlons, (for inland road transport) the general transport conditions (AVC), (for international road transport) the3 conditions of the CMR-treaty) and the AVC for subjects on which the CMR does not give a ruling, all of which (except the conditions of the CMR-treaty) are deposited at the District Court of Rotterdam;
Applicable law; exclusively Dutch law;
Jurisdiction; the Rotterdam Court competent with regard to the subject matter; arbitration-rullngs and jurisdiction-rulings in the abovementioned condltions are hereby explicitly excluded;
Payment; without any deduction of compensation within 14 days from the invoice-date;
Default interest; 12% per year as from the expire date (14 days trom the invoice-date);
Costs; all costs, both in litigation and outside litigation. made by us due to non-fulfilment by our relation (the party with whom we contract) of any obligation to us, are for the account of our relat1on; upon undue payment the costs outside litlgation will be at least 15% of the amount due.